![]() JUNE 2022 CATCHUP Karen Wiesner’s Karen’s Quill Newsletter Website: https://karenwiesner.weebly.com/ Blog https://karenwiesner.weebly.com/karens-quill-blog http://www.facebook.com/KarenWiesnerAuthor Creating realistic, unforgettable characters one story at a time… In addition to being a popular writing reference instructor and writer, professional blurbologist and freelance editor, Karen Wiesner is the accomplished author of 146 titles published in the past 25 years, which have been nominated/won 134 awards, with 9 more releases contracted for spanning many genres and formats. WHAT'S NEW You can find my latest Alien Romances Friday posts here: -The fifth article in a 15-part series titled Surprises in the Course of Learning to Write a Science Fiction Series is up now on the Alien Romances blog: "Of Research and Developmental Tool Requirements", Part 2: Surprise #3: Developmental Tool Underwhelm" https://aliendjinnromances.blogspot.com/2022/05/karen-s-wiesner-surprises-in-course-of_02098262539.html -The fourth article in a 15-part series titled Surprises in the Course of Learning to Write a Science Fiction Series is up now on the Alien Romances blog: "Of Research and Developmental Tool Requirements", Part 1: Surprise #2: Research Overwhelm https://aliendjinnromances.blogspot.com/2022/05/karen-s-wiesner-surprises-in-course-of_02110311284.html -The third article in a 15-part series titled Surprises in the Course of Learning to Write a Science Fiction Series is up now on the Alien Romances blog: "Of Not Having to Reinvent the Wheel For Everything", Part 3 https://aliendjinnromances.blogspot.com/2022/05/karen-s-wiesner-surprises-in-course-of_01644954845.html -The second article in a 15-part series titled Surprises in the Course of Learning to Write a Science Fiction Series is up now on the Alien Romances blog: “Of the Overarching Series and Its Connection to Speculative Fiction”, Part 2 https://aliendjinnromances.blogspot.com/2022/05/karen-s-wiesner-surprises-in-course-of.html -The first article in a 15-part series titled Surprises in the Course of Learning to Write a Science Fiction Series is up now on the Alien Romances blog: “Introduction: In Which an Old Dog Learns a New Trick”, Part 1 https://aliendjinnromances.blogspot.com/2022/04/karen-s-wiesner-surprises-in-course-of.html This series was the basis for my new, upcoming writer's manual titled WRITING THE OVERARCHING SERIES {or How I Sent a Clumsy Girl into Outer Space} to be included in my 3D Fiction Fundamentals Collection, hopefully released later this year. NEWEST AND UPCOMING RELEASES BRIDGE OF FIRE, Book 10: Woodcutter's Grim Series including: OUT OF THE ASHES, Part 1; A NEW BEGINNING, Part 2; and INTO THE SUN, Part 3 Fantasy Romance Novels Available now in paperback and electronic formats http://www.writers-exchange.com/woodcutters-grim-series/ NEVER A BRIDE, Book 11: Adventures in Amethyst Series Contemporary Romance Novel Available now in electronic and paperback; also to be available in ADVENTURES IN AMETHYST TRIO OF HOLIDAY ROMANCES Collection http://www.writers-exchange.com/adventures-in-amethyst-series/ UNLUCKY IN LOVE, Book 12: Adventures in Amethyst Series Contemporary Romance Novel Available now in electronic and paperback; also to be available in ADVENTURES IN AMETHYST TRIO OF HOLIDAY ROMANCES Collection http://www.writers-exchange.com/adventures-in-amethyst-series/ SHOTGUN WEDDING, Book 13: Adventures in Amethyst Series Contemporary Romance Novel Available now in trade paperback and electronic formats; also to be available in ADVENTURES IN AMETHYST TRIO OF HOLIDAY ROMANCES http://www.writers-exchange.com/adventures-in-amethyst-series/ ADVENTURES IN AMETHYST TRIO OF HOLIDAY ROMANCES including NEVER A BRIDE, Book 11; UNLUCKY IN LOVE, Book 12; and SHOTGUN WEDDING, Book 13 Contemporary Romance Novels Coming September 2022 in paperback and electronic formats; also available individually http://www.writers-exchange.com/adventures-in-amethyst-series/ COHESIVE STORY BUILDING, 3D Fiction Fundamentals Collection: Volume 2 reissue Writing Reference Coming soon in electronic and paperback http://www.writers-exchange.com/3d-fiction-fundamentals-series/ CPR FOR DEAD OR LIFELESS FICTION {A Writer's Guide to Deep and Multifaceted Development and Progression of Characters, Plots, and Relationships}, 3D Fiction Fundamentals Collection: Volume 6 reissue Writing Reference Coming soon in electronic and paperback http://www.writers-exchange.com/3d-fiction-fundamentals-series/ WRITING BLURBS THAT SIZZLE--AND SELL!, 3D Fiction Fundamentals Collection: Volume 7 reissue Writing Reference Coming soon in electronic and paperback http://www.writers-exchange.com/3d-fiction-fundamentals-series/ FIRST DRAFT OUTLINE, 3D Fiction Fundamentals Collection: Volume 1 (previously titled FIRST DRAFT IN 30 DAYS) Writing Reference Coming soon in electronic and paperback http://www.writers-exchange.com/3d-fiction-fundamentals-series/ NEW REVIEWS I received my first review for UNLUCKY IN LOVE, Book 12: Adventures in Amethyst Series: 5 Stars! “In UNLUCKY IN LOVE, Tally (the heroine in BLAME IT ON THE RAIN, Book 10) remained a good friend despite that Layla did her brother Benji (hero in NEVER A BRIDE, Book 11) wrong in the past. Layla started out believing she was the catch of the county, determined to reclaim the man she wanted to be the one for her. Facing that it was too late might have been the hardest thing she’s ever done except that right now she needs to learn how to put aside her own selfishness and figure out what matters in life. In Book 10, Adam was anything but a hero, but, in Book 12, he’s been through a lot and come out the other side, painfully aware of his unforgivable mistakes in the past. He’s no longer the same jerk who loved Tally and cheated on her as if that wasn’t a conflict. In the process of changing his ways, his feelings have also taken a 180. Returning to the place where his bad deeds blew up in his face is an eye-opener as nothing else could be. In this tale of redemption, two former villains discover that the road to recovery is a long, life-altering one, just as ever finding happiness…and love…again will be.” ~Linda's Reviews Find out more about Adventures in Amethyst Series here: https://karenwiesner.weebly.com/adventures-in-amethyst-series.html http://www.writers-exchange.com/adventures-in-amethyst-series/ I received a new review for INDOMITABLE, Book 4: Arrow of Time Chronicles: 4 Stars! "This final volume in the Arrow of Time Chronicles effectively weaves together all the story arc threads developed in the previous three books in a satisfying conclusion. Alliances become stronger under the shadow of a common danger. Not without loss, the civilized worlds of the galaxy are saved (for now). Our favorite couples overcome serious threats to their relationships in believable ways. The reformed villain achieves redemption (one of my favorite tropes). As in the rest of the series, the principal characters have appealing, individualized personalities, and the worldbuilding highlights the differences among the various cultures even as they begin to accept their newly revealed commonalities. The lingering mystery of those common elements and the "yes, but" epilogue don't, for me, detract from the overall sense of closure; those features of the story just lend an increased feeling of realism." ~Award-winning author Margaret L. Carter Find out more about Arrow of Time Chronicles here: https://karenwiesner.weebly.com/arrow-of-time-chronicles.html https://www.writers-exchange.com/arrow-of-time-chronicles/ MISCELLANY Check out my Author Pages! Writers Exchange: http://www.writers-exchange.com/Karen-Wiesner/ and http://www.writers-exchange.com/blog/ Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/Karen%20Wiesner Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/karenwiesner Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/karenwiesner Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/KarenWiesnerAuthor WHAT I'M WORKING ON Look for my WIP Moments on my Facebook Author Page http://www.facebook.com/KarenWiesnerAuthor where I'll be posting about what I'm working on and the progress I'm making with each stage of my projects. You can also follow my progress here: https://karenwiesner.weebly.com/works-in-progress.html In May, I: -Wrote HEARTS ABLAZE, Book 4: Peaceful Pilgrims Series https://karenwiesner.weebly.com/peaceful-pilgrims-series.html In June and July, I'll: -Incorporated critiques of BONE OF MY BONE, Book 7: Bloodmoon Cove Spirits Series, polished, completed a final read-through; submitted https://karenwiesner.weebly.com/bloodmoon-cove-spirits-series.html -Research outline LOST AND FOUND, Books 8 and 9, A Bloodmoon Cove Spirits Series 2-in-1 https://karenwiesner.weebly.com/bloodmoon-cove-spirits-series.html Find out what else I'm working on in 2022: https://karenwiesner.weebly.com/works-in-progress.html Feel free to direct your friends to this newsletter! Karen
![]() The fifth article in a 15-part series titled Surprises in the Course of Learning to Write a Science Fiction Series is up now on the Alien Romances blog: "Of Research and Developmental Tool Requirements", Part 2: Surprise #3: Developmental Tool Underwhelm https://aliendjinnromances.blogspot.com/2022/05/karen-s-wiesner-surprises-in -course-of_02098262539.html This series was the basis for my new, upcoming writer's manual titled WRITING THE OVERARCHING SERIES {or How I Sent a Clumsy Girl into Outer Space} to be included in my 3D Fiction Fundamentals Collection, hopefully released later this year. ![]() The fourth article in a 15-part series titled Surprises in the Course of Learning to Write a Science Fiction Series is up now on the Alien Romances blog: "Of Research and Developmental Tool Requirements", Part 1: Surprise #2: Research Overwhelm https://aliendjinnromances.blogspot.com/2022/05/karen-s-wiesner-surprises-in-course-of_02110311284.html This series was the basis for my new, upcoming writer's manual titled WRITING THE OVERARCHING SERIES {or How I Sent a Clumsy Girl into Outer Space} to be included in my 3D Fiction Fundamentals Collection, hopefully released later this year. ![]() The final three offerings in the Adventures in Amethyst Series are available now in paperback and ebook formats! ADVENTURES IN AMETHYST TRIO OF HOLIDAY ROMANCES This trio of stories is what I intend to be the final offering in a long series, where I came to know and love whole families, lifers in my small, made-up town of Amethyst, Wisconsin: the Roses, the Masons, the Maraseks, the Wootens, and the Johnsons, not to mention Scott Romero, his cousin Sheila Mason and her adorable son Dev, Jeb Duncan and the mess of kids he and Sheila have together, Quinn Rutledge and Summer Rosales, Briar Sankey, and Donnie Garner. Now that I've gotten to the point of finishing this trio of interconnected stories that flow into one another, moving in a linear way through the holidays Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, I'm not sure I want to say goodbye to any of these characters I've lived with for so many years as if they were real-life friends or even family. There are so many other stories I could tell in this rich landscape. Who knows? Maybe another story idea for the series will come to me in the future. Jo and Madd (Joelle and Maddox) Johnson? Calvin and Kenzie Johnson? Cobi Johnson and Ree? Aberle? Apple and Clay's insane parents? Any one of the interesting "ancillary" people and families introduced over the course of the series? Maybe. But right now the series feels complete. I can't wait for fans to read this potentially final offering. I hope everyone who does will fall in love with the town of Amethyst, Wisconsin, and the unforgettable people who live there the way I have over the course of writing the Adventures in Amethyst Series. Amethyst, WI is a small, peaceful town on a pristine lake with an active tourist season in summer. When the air turns chill, the area is transformed into a ghost town with only a handful of lifers who stay. Populated with colorful characters, Amethyst is bursting with mystery, romance, and jealousy. Come and visit a place where anything is possible all-year-round. NEVER A BRIDE, Book 11 (Halloween novel) Once upon a time, Ben Johnson believed he had forever sewn up with Layla. But fairy tales rarely come true in reality. Long before her nephew was in a hunting accident and she blamed Ben for not preventing it, the two of them had broken up, citing irreconcilable differences. Layla hadn't wanted his family to know the truth. Following the accident, she walked out--for good, he assumed. Charlize Seagrave never fit in anywhere, drawn to danger, darkness, and drugs. For years, she was the guitarist and songwriter for a death-metal band and involved with the frontman who only encouraged her deadly addictions. In order to hide from Freyr, Charlize checked herself into rehab. Later, clean--another first in her life--she attended her new friend's wedding and met Ben. Despite their instant connection, he was supposedly in a committed relationship and she had no interest whatsoever in commitment. If only Ben wasn't so unlike every other person she's ever known. If only she didn't feel like he alone understands and gets her. When Charlize returns to Amethyst at Halloween, Ben knows loneliness has nothing to do with his feelings for her. His attraction to her the last time she was in Amethyst wasn't something he was comfortable with, despite that he and Layla had broken up even before his family learned of the fact. But now Layla is implying she's had a change of heart. Ben wonders if this is all getting too complicated…or if the solution is as simple as a kiss. UNLUCKY IN LOVE, Book 12 (Thanksgiving novel) Layla Dupriest's father was killed in a hunting accident when she was a child and, though her family is made up of avid hunters, she can't get over the loss her mother suffered. The once-upon-a-time love of Layla's life, Benji Johnson, encourages her nephew Jack to go hunting and he's hurt in an accident that so easily could have proved fatal. Distraught and reeling, Layla blames Benji and walks out. By the time she comes to grips with reality, months have passed. She's changed, and she can see in hindsight she wasn't fair to Benji. They'd broken up long before the accident yet she'd asked him not to tell his family, who'd become as close as her own. Despite that she can't seem to escape the sense she and Ben aren't meant to be, she's found it nearly impossible to let go of the dreams they'd built for a future together. Adam Schaefer has loved Tally Johnson, Benji's sister, since he was a teenager, but his love of flying and freedom surpassed anything that might clip his wings--like a wife, monogamy, marriage, and settling down. The last thing he expected was for her to fall in love with his best friend--and to have that man's baby. Unlucky in love and unable to count their blessings during the Thanksgiving holiday, Layla and Adam find themselves jilted at the same time by a person they assumed was their soulmate. Heartbroken, snowed in, and forced to share the only available cabin in town, they have no choice but to re-evaluate everything they've ever wanted in life…and love. SHOTGUN WEDDING, Book 13 (Christmas story) Trevor and Eden were married right out of high school. She'd believed she was pregnant, but that hadn't been her sole motivation. Wildly in love with Trevor Johnson, she'd worried he was becoming disenchanted with her, his attention consumed by the needy and seductive Delaney Foster who came to Amethyst every year with her family. In the years Eden and Trever have been married, she's never felt quite secure in the belief that he married her by choice, in love. During the Christmas season, plagued by unspoken guilt and doubts, she finds herself again competing with a soon-to-be divorced, distraught, and disgustingly gorgeous Delaney. Eden is obsessively aware she's no longer as young, thin, or sexy as she'd been before she had three sons. To top off her growing stress, Eden has discovered she and Trevor's oldest son and his girlfriend, in their senior year of high school, are sexually active. The last thing they need is another shotgun wedding and the potential that a marriage undertaken for the sake of a baby isn't necessarily one of choice or love. Coming September 2022 in paperback and electronic formats: ADVENTURES IN AMETHYST TRIO OF HOLIDAY ROMANCES (3-in-1 collection) including NEVER A BRIDE, Book 11; UNLUCKY IN LOVE, Book 12; and SHOTGUN WEDDING, Book 13 Find out more about these books and series here: https://karenwiesner.weebly.com/adventures-in-amethyst-series.html http://www.writers-exchange.com/adventures-in-amethyst-series/ ![]() I received a new review for INDOMITABLE, Book 4: Arrow of Time Chronicles: 4 Stars! "This final volume in the Arrow of Time Chronicles effectively weaves together all the story arc threads developed in the previous three books in a satisfying conclusion. Alliances become stronger under the shadow of a common danger. Not without loss, the civilized worlds of the galaxy are saved (for now). Our favorite couples overcome serious threats to their relationships in believable ways. The reformed villain achieves redemption (one of my favorite tropes). As in the rest of the series, the principal characters have appealing, individualized personalities, and the worldbuilding highlights the differences among the various cultures even as they begin to accept their newly revealed commonalities. The lingering mystery of those common elements and the "yes, but" epilogue don't, for me, detract from the overall sense of closure; those features of the story just lend an increased feeling of realism." ~Award-winning author Margaret L. Carter Find out more about Arrow of Time Chronicles here: https://karenwiesner.weebly.com/arrow-of-time-chronicles.html https://www.writers-exchange.com/arrow-of-time-chronicles/ I received my first review for UNLUCKY IN LOVE, Book 12: Adventures in Amethyst Series:
5 Stars! “In UNLUCKY IN LOVE, Tally (the heroine in BLAME IT ON THE RAIN, Book 10) remained a good friend despite that Layla did her brother Benji (hero in NEVER A BRIDE, Book 11) wrong in the past. Layla started out believing she was the catch of the county, determined to reclaim the man she wanted to be the one for her. Facing that it was too late might have been the hardest thing she’s ever done except that right now she needs to learn how to put aside her own selfishness and figure out what matters in life. In Book 10, Adam was anything but a hero, but, in Book 12, he’s been through a lot and come out the other side, painfully aware of his unforgivable mistakes in the past. He’s no longer the same jerk who loved Tally and cheated on her as if that wasn’t a conflict. In the process of changing his ways, his feelings have also taken a 180. Returning to the place where his bad deeds blew up in his face is an eye-opener as nothing else could be. In this tale of redemption, two former villains discover that the road to recovery is a long, life-altering one, just as ever finding happiness…and love…again will be.” ~Linda's Reviews Find out more about Adventures in Amethyst Series here: https://karenwiesner.weebly.com/adventures-in-amethyst-series.html http://www.writers-exchange.com/adventures-in-amethyst-series/ The third article in a 15-part series titled Surprises in the Course of Learning to Write a Science Fiction Series is up now on the Alien Romances blog:
"Of Not Having to Reinvent the Wheel For Everything", Part 3: https://aliendjinnromances.blogspot.com/2022/05/karen-s-wiesner-surprises-in-course-of_01644954845.html This series was the basis for my new, upcoming writer's manual titled WRITING THE OVERARCHING SERIES {or How I Sent a Clumsy Girl into Outer Space} to be included in my 3D Fiction Fundamentals Collection, hopefully released later this year. The second article in a 15-part series titled Surprises in the Course of Learning to Write a Science Fiction Series is up now on the Alien Romances blog:
“Of the Overarching Series and Its Connection to Speculative Fiction”, Part 2 https://aliendjinnromances.blogspot.com/2022/05/karen-s-wiesner-surprises-in-course-of.html This series was the basis for my new, upcoming writer's manual titled WRITING THE OVERARCHING SERIES {or How I Sent a Clumsy Girl into Outer Space} to be included in my 3D Fiction Fundamentals Collection, hopefully released later this year. Alien Romances Blog, New Post: “Introduction: In Which an Old Dog Learns a New Trick”, Part 15/1/2022 The first article in a 15-part series titled Surprises in the Course of Learning to Write a Science Fiction Series is up now on the Alien Romances blog:
“Introduction: In Which an Old Dog Learns a New Trick”, Part 1 https://aliendjinnromances.blogspot.com/2022/04/karen-s-wiesner-surprises-in-course-of.html This series was the basis for my new, upcoming writer's manual titled WRITING THE OVERARCHING SERIES {or How I Sent a Clumsy Girl into Outer Space} to be included in my 3D Fiction Fundamentals Collection, hopefully released later this year. I received a new review for INDELIBLE, Book 3: Arrow of Time Chronicles:
4 Stars! “As in the first two volumes, this book skillfully balances the space-epic overarching plot with character and relationship developments. Moreover, the problems of the individuals and couples directly affect the interstellar alliance precariously being formed. We learn more about the nonhuman species and their cultures, while Tori and Raze, newly married, struggle with challenges to their union. A major focus in this novel highlights the reformed villain—one of my favorite tropes—and his onetime lover, both of whom have to deal with deep-seated trust issues. On lighter notes, an engagingly mischievous child character is introduced, and, to my delight, Tori agrees to adopt the alien pet that she briefly encountered in the first volume. In preparation for the climactic crisis of the final book, the personal and galaxy-wide stakes rise to new heights. …an engaging story…” ~Award-winning author Margaret L. Carter Find out more about Arrow of Time Chronicles here: https://karenwiesner.weebly.com/arrow-of-time-chronicles.html https://www.writers-exchange.com/arrow-of-time-chronicles/ ![]() MAY 2022 CATCHUP Karen Wiesner’s Karen’s Quill Newsletter Website: https://karenwiesner.weebly.com/ Blog https://karenwiesner.weebly.com/karens-quill-blog http://www.facebook.com/KarenWiesnerAuthor Creating realistic, unforgettable characters one story at a time… In addition to being a popular writing reference instructor and writer, professional blurbologist and freelance editor, Karen Wiesner is the accomplished author of 146 titles published in the past 25 years, which have been nominated/won 134 awards, with 9 more releases contracted for spanning many genres and formats. WHAT'S NEW 3D Fiction Fundamentals Collection by award-winning author Karen S. Wiesner covers the A to Z's of crafting the highest quality fiction including how to: • Brainstorm and work productively to ensure that each stage in the writing process from prewriting to polishing produces masterful results the first time around. • Create an outline so complete it actually qualifies as the first draft of your book, allowing your first written draft to be final-draft quality. • Develop realistically three-dimensional and cohesive characters, plots, settings, relationships, and scenes so life-like and memorable your readers will be diehard fans. • Effectively prepare for a series in advance to prevent painted-in-a-corner scenarios in order to keep fans coming back eagerly for each and every installment. • Learn innovative techniques to write a complex sequence of stories that require overarching series arcs and immense world- and character-building. • Craft sizzling back cover, series, and high-concept blurbs for describing, promoting, and selling your books. • Maximize your potential and momentum for becoming a career author indefinitely. With step-by-step guidelines, instructions, and tips throughout that are flexible and clearly written, imparting a layman's ease of understanding and can-do motivation, this collection may be the only writing craft books you'll ever need. Each volume has a bonus companion booklet available presented in usable digital format that includes all the aids from the main book you can use in your own writing--and extras! The seven volumes and bonus companion booklets in this collection are: 1. First Draft Outline formerly published by Writer's Digest Books as First Draft in 30 Days {A Novel Writer's System for Building a Complete and Cohesive Manuscript} Bonus Companion Booklet for First Draft Outline 2. Cohesive Story Building formerly published by Writer's Digest Books as From First Draft to Finished Novel {A Writer's Guide to Cohesive Story Building} Bonus Companion Booklet for Cohesive Story Building 3. Writing the Standalone Series formerly published by Writer's Digest Books as Writing the Fiction Series {The Complete Guide for Novels and Novellas} Bonus Companion Booklet for Writing the Standalone Series 4. Writing the Overarching Series {or How I Sent a Clumsy Girl into Outer Space} Bonus Companion Booklet for Writing the Overarching Series 5. Three-Dimensional Fiction Writing formerly published by Writer's Digest Books as Bring Your Fiction to Life {Crafting Three-Dimensional Stories with Depth and Complexity} Bonus Companion Booklet for Three-Dimensional Fiction Writing 6. CPR for Dead or Lifeless Fiction {A Writer's Guide to Deep and Multifaceted Development and Progression of Characters, Plots, and Relationships} Bonus Companion Booklet for CPR for Dead or Lifeless Fiction 7. Writing Blurbs That Sizzle--And Sell! Bonus Companion Booklet for Writing Blurbs That Sizzle--And Sell! Find out more here: https://karenwiesner.weebly.com/writing-reference-titles... http://www.writers-exchange.com/3d-fiction-fundamentals.../ You can find my latest Alien Romances Friday posts here: The first article in a 15-part series titled Surprises in the Course of Learning to Write a Science Fiction Series is up now on the Alien Romances blog: “Introduction: In Which an Old Dog Learns a New Trick”, Part 1 https://aliendjinnromances.blogspot.com/.../karen-s... This series was the basis for my new, upcoming writer's manual titled WRITING THE OVERARCHING SERIES {or How I Sent a Clumsy Girl into Outer Space} to be included in my 3D Fiction Fundamentals Collection, hopefully released later this year. “The Pick-Up-the-Pace Ploy for Writers” https://aliendjinnromances.blogspot.com/.../karen-s... “It's a Miracle, Lois! or Why Your Hero Needs to be the Hero of His Own Story” https://aliendjinnromances.blogspot.com/.../karen-s... "Do I Need a Professional Editor?" https://aliendjinnromances.blogspot.com/.../karen-s... "Advice for New Writers" https://aliendjinnromances.blogspot.com/.../karen-s... NEWEST AND UPCOMING RELEASES BRIDGE OF FIRE, Book 10: Woodcutter's Grim Series including: OUT OF THE ASHES, Part 1; A NEW BEGINNING, Part 2; and INTO THE SUN, Part 3 Fantasy Romance Novels Available now in paperback and electronic formats http://www.writers-exchange.com/woodcutters-grim-series/ SHOTGUN WEDDING, Book 13: Adventures in Amethyst Series Contemporary Romance Novel Available now in trade paperback and electronic formats; also to be available in ADVENTURES IN AMETHYST TRIO OF HOLIDAY ROMANCES http://www.writers-exchange.com/adventures-in-amethyst.../ NEVER A BRIDE, Book 11: Adventures in Amethyst Series Contemporary Romance Novel Available now in electronic and paperback; also to be available in ADVENTURES IN AMETHYST TRIO OF HOLIDAY ROMANCES Collection http://www.writers-exchange.com/adventures-in-amethyst.../ UNLUCKY IN LOVE, Book 12: Adventures in Amethyst Series Contemporary Romance Novel Available now in electronic and paperback; also to be available in ADVENTURES IN AMETHYST TRIO OF HOLIDAY ROMANCES Collection http://www.writers-exchange.com/adventures-in-amethyst.../ ADVENTURES IN AMETHYST TRIO OF HOLIDAY ROMANCES including NEVER A BRIDE, Book 11; UNLUCKY IN LOVE, Book 12; and SHOTGUN WEDDING, Book 13 Contemporary Romance Novels Coming September 2022 in paperback and electronic formats; also available individually http://www.writers-exchange.com/adventures-in-amethyst.../ FIRST DRAFT OUTLINE, 3D Fiction Fundamentals Collection: Volume 1 (previously titled FIRST DRAFT IN 30 DAYS) Writing Reference Coming soon in electronic and paperback http://www.writers-exchange.com/3d-fiction-fundamentals.../ NEW REVIEWS I received my first review for NEVER A BRIDE, Book 11: Adventures in Amethyst Series: 5 Stars! “In NEVER A BRIDE, Charlize Seagrave came from an anything-but-happy upbringing. The one bright spot had been her grandmother, who just died. In retrospect, she regrets that she didn’t cherish the little love she’d been given the way she should have. It was easy to feel sympathy for Charlize and the poor choices she made when she was younger. Ben Johnson is a caring, sensitive man--nothing like Charlize’s psychotic ex-. Being that kind of person, he goes above and beyond with his selfish ex-girlfriend even when maybe he should have given up long ago. Charlize and Ben both deserved happiness, and it was exciting to see the path they took toward each other and a happily-ever-after neither actually expected. I look forward to the next in the series.” ~Linda's Reviews Find out more about Adventures in Amethyst Series here: https://karenwiesner.weebly.com/adventures-in-amethyst... http://www.writers-exchange.com/adventures-in-amethyst.../ I received a new review for INDELIBLE, Book 3: Arrow of Time Chronicles: 4 Stars! “As in the first two volumes, this book skillfully balances the space-epic overarching plot with character and relationship developments. Moreover, the problems of the individuals and couples directly affect the interstellar alliance precariously being formed. We learn more about the nonhuman species and their cultures, while Tori and Raze, newly married, struggle with challenges to their union. A major focus in this novel highlights the reformed villain—one of my favorite tropes—and his onetime lover, both of whom have to deal with deep-seated trust issues. On lighter notes, an engagingly mischievous child character is introduced, and, to my delight, Tori agrees to adopt the alien pet that she briefly encountered in the first volume. In preparation for the climactic crisis of the final book, the personal and galaxy-wide stakes rise to new heights. …an engaging story…” ~Award-winning author Margaret L. Carter Find out more about Arrow of Time Chronicles here: https://karenwiesner.weebly.com/arrow-of-time-chronicles... https://www.writers-exchange.com/arrow-of-time-chronicles/ MISCELLANY Check out my Author Pages! Writers Exchange: http://www.writers-exchange.com/Karen-Wiesner/ and http://www.writers-exchange.com/blog/ Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/Karen%20Wiesner Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/karenwiesner Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/karenwiesner Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/KarenWiesnerAuthor WHAT I'M WORKING ON Look for my WIP Moments on my Facebook Author Page http://www.facebook.com/KarenWiesnerAuthor where I'll be posting about what I'm working on and the progress I'm making with each stage of my projects. You can also follow my progress here: https://karenwiesner.weebly.com/works-in-progress.html In April, I: -Completed a final read-through of WRITING THE STANDALONE SERIES -Revised, polished, and completed a final read-through of WRITING THE OVERARCHING SERIES {or How I Sent a Clumsy Girl into Outer Space} https://karenwiesner.weebly.com/writing-reference-titles... -Finished revising and polishing BONE OF MY BONE, Book 7: Bloodmoon Cove Spirits Series https://karenwiesner.weebly.com/bloodmoon-cove-spirits... In May-June, I'll: Write HEARTS ABLAZE, Book 4: Peaceful Pilgrims Series https://karenwiesner.weebly.com/peaceful-pilgrims-series... -Complete a final read-through of BONE OF MY BONE Find out what else I'm working on in 2022: https://karenwiesner.weebly.com/works-in-progress.html Feel free to direct your friends to this newsletter! Karen |
AuthorWelcome to Karen's Quill, the blog of author Karen Wiesner. In addition to being a popular writing reference instructor and writer, professional blurbologist and freelance editor, Karen is the accomplished author of nearly 150 titles published in the past 25 years, which have been nominated/won 134 awards, with 9 more releases contracted for spanning many genres and formats. Archives
January 2025
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